Dar-ul-Pass Ehsaas Program Online Registration 2025

Along with the Ehsaas program, a Dar-ul-Pass Ehsaas program was launched in Pakistan. In this Dar-ul-Pass program, orphan boys and girls were provided various facilities by the federal government. Darul Ihsan was started under the Benazir Income Support Program. Along with these programs, under the Ehsaas program, he announced to give an amount of Rs.
25000 to the poor and deserving people. 8171 web portal can be used to register and check the amount of Daral Pass Ehsaas program for the poor people of Pakistan.
Check Online Eligibility
There are currently around 51 orphanages in Pakistan which are taking care of boys and girls. All these orphanages are working across the country under Dar-ul-Pass Ehsaas Program Benazir Income Support. In this program, Ehsaas Kafalat program and education facilities are being provided for family members. The Dar-ul-pass Ehsaas program is being run under the Ehsaas Kafalat Program.
Also Read: 8171 Check Online Ehsaas Program Registration
A survey of NSER Ehsaas program was conducted in Pakistan last year 2021. It was under this survey that it was found out who is eligible for this program and who is not. Under this program, the government of Pakistan will provide food and clothing as well as accommodation to the children of Teyam. To register in this program, you can go to the Dar-ul-Ehsaas office and complete the Ehsaas program online registration.
Dar-ul-Pass Ehsaas Program Online Registration Check By NADRA
The application form can be submitted online for registration in Dar-ul-pass Ehsaas Program. The program has obtained the list of needy and orphaned needy people from Ehsaas Program Nadara data system according to which these people have been helped. Also, to check if you are eligible, you can open 8171 portal and enter your ID card number to check eligibility. If you have any query regarding this then you can ask us by commenting below.
Facilities provided by the Dar-ul-Ehsaas program
Under this program many facilities are provided to the eligible candidates which are mentioned below.
Eligibility Criteria Dar-ul-Ehsaas Program
The Following Certain terms and conditions must be met for admission to this program.
How To Apply For Darul Ehsaas Program
The following documents are required to apply for this program.
Also Read: 8171 Web Portal 25000