How To Check M Tag Balance 2025 with Online & SMS

If you also come here to check your mtag balance then you are at right place here you will be told how to check M-Tag balance in Pakistan.
M Tag Balance
Basically as per my knowledge you can follow 3 different ways to check your M-Tag balance.
Here you might be wondering whether we can know about M-Tag service from JazzCash as well. Yes JazzCash you got all mtag information. Apart from this, all these three methods will be explained to you in detail here.
How to check MTag ID?
To check your Mtag ID, call 1313 or use the Mtag app.
M-Tag Balance Slip with MTag ID

How To Check M-Tag Balance (Online & SMS)
You can follow all the three methods mentioned above to check your Mtag balance as detailed below. You can check your Mtag balance through Jazcash and SMS with the help of One Network App. This tag is mandated by the National Highway and Motorway Police (NHMP).
You have to follow our mentioned steps after which you can check your mtag as well as recharge your mtag. But now you don’t have any mtag balance so you can see the recharge method for that you don’t need any kind of problem.
One Network App M-Tag Services
One Network App provides many services. With their help you can check M-TAG and more.
M-TAG Provide Recharge Options
M-Tag is recharged using one network app for which we use debit or credit card if you don’t have these then we can also use Jazz Cash, EasyPaisa, UPaisa. .
One Network App Check Motorway M-TAG
With the help of One Network App you can check your M-TAG balance and at the same time you can manage your Motorway M-tag well.
How To Download One Network App For M-Tag
You can visit Google Play Store or Apple Store to download One Network App.
Through JazzCash Check M-Tag Balance
As JazzCash has many options, one of them is to provide Motorway Mtag balance information. If you want to check your Mtag balance or reduce your balance, you can use this JazCash. JazCash is authorized by the Motorway authorities and you will be informed about the complete procedure to check with the help of JazCash.
You just need to follow our steps below.
- First install “JazzCash” in your mobile and open it and login your account. After that you click on the “view all” option in the bottom right corner.

- You will see Mtag button in travel block in JazCash.

- After clicking on the Mtag button you will see the registered M tag. Here you have to click on ReCharge New M-Tag.

- After that write the M Tag ID number in the next page.
- After entering the ID number, your account information will be displayed, whose name it is in and how much balance it has.

- You have to recharge your balance of at least 30 rupees to do new balance.
This method mentioned to you is absolutely free. Apart from this you can also check your MTag balance by using the above method. But if you are facing any problem in checking the balance, you can call Motorway officials and get your problem resolved.
MTag Balance Inquire Using SMS Service
You need to use your Mtag ID to check your Mtag balance via SMS.
- Send your MTAG ID to 9909 by typing “Balance MTAG ID” in this format.
- After that within a few seconds you will receive an SMS from the motorway authorities showing your M-Tag balance along with the expiry date.
- GST tax of Rs.2 will be charged to your account after using this SMS service.
Note: Use this format to check Mtag balance with SMS “MTAG CNIC Number” to 9909”
Required Documents For M-TAG
Here you are told how many ways to check Mtag balance and all 3 methods are explained in detail how you can check your balance by following them. Also if you face any problem with it then you can inform us by commenting.