How Many Rakats Are There in Isha Namaz
If you have forgotten or don’t know the rak’ats of Isha prayer then you are at the right place where you will be informed about all the rak’ats of Isha prayer along with their number.
How Many Rakats are There in Isha Namaz
Isha prayer is the prayer that is offered at night. This is the greatest prayer among the five obligatory prayers. Isha prayer is called 4 rakat prayer. Among the prayers that are offered after the Isha prayer is the Nafl Lail prayer.
The 17 rakats of Isha prayer are as follows:
4 Sunnah
4 Farz
2 Sunnah
2 Nawafil
3 Witr
2 Nawafil.
- The first 4 sunnahs recited in this prayer are non-muaqidah (low-emphasis sunnahs). The first 4 sunnahs of Isha and Asr prayers are called non-mukida. That is why some people don’t read it, but if you increase it, you get reward. After Isha 4 Sunnahs, 4 Farads are performed. This duty should be performed in all circumstances, the one who leaves it has not completed his prayer.
- After the 4 Farads of Isha, 2 Sunnahs are performed which are muqida and must be recited.
- After 2 Sunnahs, 2 Nawafals are paid which some people pay and some skip.
- Now 3 Vitras are recited. In the last rakat of these three witr, the dua Qunut is recited. Some people play only 1 witr instead of 3 witr.
- Finally, 2 Nawafils are recited.
Full details about prayer are provided but along with it you should know what is farz, what is sunnah, what is wajib, how to say muqedah, non muqedah.
Sunnah Mu’aqidah:
Actions which were regularly performed by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). If they are left without any reason, they will be guilty of sin, but if they are left for a valid reason, there will be no sin.
Non-Muqedah Sunnah:
There are actions that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not perform regularly in his life. If they are omitted, there is no sin, but paying them brings an additional reward.
A duty which has been made obligatory, if it is omitted intentionally, it will be a disbelief. (This is the opinion of most scholars)
Wajib :
Obligatory (though less than obligatory) A person who neglects a Wajib is not a disbeliever, but he still commits a sin.