Rolls Royce Price in Pakistan
Details about Rolls Royce prices in Pakistan are provided to you, and you will be informed about this car through its prices and its pictures. Rolls Royce is the ultimate luxury car. The price of this car is Rs 78,899,660. This is one car that surely impresses everyone. This car looks very beautiful from a distance but if you take a closer look at this car, you will find many more features that make it so popular.
Surely only a famous and rich person sits in this Rolls Royce car. It is a dream car for many people. This vehicle is a very popular brand. The price of this Rolls Royce in Pakistan is 78,899,660. The design and engine of this car is very well made.
Rolls Royce Price in Pakistan 2024
Currently Rolls Royce is not officially sold in Pakistan. All the prices of these vehicles are mentioned below.
Rolls Royce car is made in UK. Which is a classy and comfortable vehicle that is full of luxury and comfort. These vehicles are made very attractive and beautiful. The interiors of these Rolls-Royce cars include handcrafted leather and wood grain ash. The engine of the vehicle has been made very strong and powerful. The power and torque of this engine is very high.
Different Models of Rolls Royce and Its Price
As Rolls Royce is a luxury vehicle manufactured by a British company. This car is a dream car for many people. These are bought by people who live like kings.
The Rolls Royce car was first produced in 1904. So far, there are 9 different models of Rolls Royce manufacturers. To buy these Rolls Royce cars these cars can be imported from UK.
- Rolls Royce Ghost
- Rolls Royce Ghost Extended
- Rolls Royce Black Badge
- Rolls Royce Phantom
- Rolls Royce Cullinan
- Rolls Royce Specter
- Rolls Royce Phantom Extended
- Rolls Royce Wraith
- Rolls Royce Dawn
The vehicle price of some of these models is mentioned below.
All Rolls Royce Price in Pakistan
Rolls Royce Models Price in Pakistan
Rolls Royce Cullinan 70,250,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Black Badge 99,320,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Dawn 113,893,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Specter 107,380,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Ghost Extended 106,080,000 PKR
Rolls Ghost Price in Pakistan 89,180,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Wraith 170,300,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Phantom 92,000,000 PKR
Rolls Royce Phantom Extended Price in Pakistan 141,700,000 PKR