Telenor Load Reversal Code 2024
If you have transferred Telenor balance to wrong number and want to know Load Reversal Code then you have come to the right place. Here you will be told how you can Recover Telenor balance.
You may have made a mistake while doing Telenor Easy Load and it has sent the load to another Telenor number and now you are confused how to do it, today I will show you all the procedures. Here’s how you can get your sent Easy Load back.
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Reverse Telenor Easy load By Using Code
Don’t worry when you accidentally transfer balance to another number but follow our procedure and get your Telenor load back. Of course you have used your mobile app to load or Master SIM can follow this method.
How to Recover Telenor Load?
There are two ways to get telenor load back by following these methods you can get Telenor code back in your sim.
Return Telenor Load by Call Method?
If you are unable to retrieve your balance through code, you can use the call method. You just have to take help from Telenor agent for this.